Fibre-optic control electronics

TerOpta continues to develop photonic solutions
31 August 2023: As well as being active in remote sensing, TerOpta has multiple active projects in development of unique electronic solutions in the area of photonics. These involve custom analogue hardware designs plus complex FPGA and software solutions. Further enquiries welcome for contract design and consultancy.

Ambimon sensor battery lifetime doubled
01 June 2022: TerOpta has improved the lifetime of the coin-cell powered SB10 indoor sensors by a factor of two - from 2 years to 4 years. These compact devices monitor temperature, relative humidity and light level, now with an indication of remaining battery life, transmitting results every few seconds via Bluetooth radio.

Sensor Beacon SB10
Ambiex sensor unit in cage

Ambiex air quality sensors now feature AI technology
01 September 2021: Ambiex air quality monitoring units from TerOpta (developed during the REVIS project) have been enhanced to use sophisticated machine learning / artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms which boost accuracy of pollution measurements. Unit firmware updates are being rolled out "over the air", with no need for site visits, to equip existing field trial units with the new technology.

TerOpta featured in Pipeline Magazine
04 June 2021: The international communications technology journal "Pipeline" has published a feature article by TerOpta CEO, Mike Sharratt, on IoT and climate change, focussing on the REVIS project and TerOpta's low-cost solution for air quality monitoring. The article appeared in the magazine's June 2021 edition which has a special focus on "Innovation".

Pipeline magazine cover
Ambiex unit in field location

REVIS project reaches successful conclusion
31 May 2021: The REVIS project has concluded, with 14 active field trial sites in operation. Full commercialisation of the solution and further development of the hardware and software continue apace. Read more about the project here, and about TerOpta's Ambiex  product here.

i-REAP project completed
30 April 2021: All five test sites have been fully equipped with i-REAP / Ambimon sensors and are collecting building performance data. The i-REAP analysis engine can predict future energy usage as well as recommend costed improvements. Read more about this project here.

TerOpta sensor beacon
Driver in car

Proof of concept REVIS devices deployed
14 July 2020: Several proof-of-concept pollution-sensing devices have been deployed as part of the REVIS project, These devices will help confirm correct operation of the sensor hardware and "pipe-clean" the data paths up to the Cloud. Meanwhile, the full-spec REVIS devices are being tested and prepared for deployment. Read more about the project here.

Multiple i-REAP test sites equipped and under test
03 July 2020: Field trial deployments of TerOpta's building energy performance and internal environmental monitoring equipment are progressing well, reaching about half-way towards full deployment across five different sites, as part of the i-REAP project. Read more about this project here.

Building exterior

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VAT No. GB 104 0063 83